Fany Lisenko
Photos by Fany Lisenko.
Capturing myself in a photograph is very hard, specially when you are the one holding the camera most of the time. This is a very real selfportrait, since I took it and I must be there some where in the shapes and forms of Mr. Kapoor's bean. I specially love this photograph because it is the one that really portrays my constant search as a photographer and as a human being, and also is kind of a metaphor of how we see the world: things are not always what they seam, and if we move a little bit closer or turn ourselves up side down, we might see them differently and even beautiful.
I was born in Mexico march 29 1982 and I have lived here all of my life. I have a degree in architecture and I started studying photography 12 years ago, but I had my first encounter with a camera when I was 18 years old and went to "The march of the Living" in the year 2000. It was in that moment when I first realized the wonders of the canera and what it did to my heart and my mind. Having to confront such harsh environment like Auschhwitz through a camera lens made every thing seam different at that moment, and it was.
Architecture is my second passion in life, it gives structure, a sense of rythim, order and lite. Usually comes out in my work unconsciously because it is how I've taught myself to structure things and how I see them. Space as it is and how we see it are totally separate things, because it is perception what forms the world around us, and in the end it is just an empty basel in which we have to leave our legacy by creating beauty from within.